The Village Board is elected by the community each April to advocate for residents, set policy, and uphold the covenants. The Board hires and supervises the Village Manager, approves the budget, and provides representation and is a liaison to the county, Columbia Association, and other community groups. The Village Board usually meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The meetings on the second Monday of the month are virtual at The Hawthorn Center, the meetings on the fourth Monday are hybrid. The meetings begin at 7:30 pm and the meeting invitation is available on the Meeting, Minutes and Agenda page.
Hickory Ridge needs residents to run for the five Village Board seats and Hickory Ridge’s Columbia Association Council seat. The Annual Meeting/Election this year will be on Saturday, April 26th. Keep an eye out for your absentee ballot arriving in the mail in April with more information.
Anyone interested in running for the Village Board or the Columbia Association Council must be a member of the Association (own or rent CA assessed property in the Village) and complete a candidate statement and other forms.
The Village Board meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:30pm. The Columbia Association Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Candidate information is available on the website.
Have questions? Call Laura at 410-730-7327 or email
The complete Candidate’s Handbook is here.
Columbia Association Board of Directors
Skye Anderson
Hickory Ridge Village Board
Kristine Amari
Jared Ball
Michael Campbell
Stephen Hannan
Samantha Link
Please Note: All written communication submitted to the Hickory Ridge Community Association, including the Hickory Ridge Village Board, is subject to disclosure pursuant to public information requests under The Maryland Homeowners Association Act.
All Board members are required to sign the Conflict of Interest policy. An updated prohibited entity list is below.
View the Annual Report on Village activities.
Email all of the Board members at