The village office provides general information and referral on a variety of issues. Sometimes it is hard to know whether a particular item falls under the purview of Columbia Association or some other agency. When in doubt, give us a call at 410-730-7327.
How to Report a Problem on CA Open Space:
- Call the Columbia Association Department of Open Space Management at 410-312-6330 OR email
How to Report a Problem to Howard County:
- Tell HoCo: An easy way to report issues concerning potholes, graffiti, sidewalks, roadways, traffic signals, signs, sewer or water, parks, or trees. Download the app to your mobile device or access it on the County web site.
- Damaged cable boxes: Take a photo and send it to the Cable Administrator at
- Graffiti: Use Tell HoCo or contact the police non-emergency number (410-313-2200). If the graffiti is on a CA tot lot, call the village office or CA Open Space to report it.
- Road condition, damaged street sign, sidewalk, storm drainage or street tree problems: Use Tell HoCo or contact Highways Operations Division at or 410-313-7450.
- Traffic signal, intersection safety, traffic calming or mistimed signal concerns: Use Tell HoCo or contact Traffic Engineering Division at or 410-313-2430.
- Other issues: Use the Contact Us form found on the Howard County Government web site or call 410-313-2022 for information and referral.
Other Helpful Howard County Government Information:
- Animal Control: 410-313-2780
- Howard County Government:
- Licensing and Permits: 410-313-2455
- Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center: 443-518-1888
- Recreation & Parks: 410-313-4700
- Trash and Recycling Information: 410-313-6444
- Water and Sewer Emergencies: 410-313-4900
- Howard County Animal Control : 410-313-2780
- Central branch: 410-313-7800
- East Columbia branch: 410-313-7700
- CA Headquarters: 410-715-3000
- Customer and Member Service Center: 410-730-1801
- Aquatics Office: 410-312-6332
- Annual Charge: 410-715-3058
- Columbia Art Center: 410-730-0075
- Columbia Ice Rink: 410-730-0322
- Columbia Swim Center: 410-730-7000
- Open Space: 410-312-6330
- School Age Services: 410-715-3164
Grassroots Crisis Intervention: 410-531-6006
Howard County General Hospital
- Main: 410-740-7890
- Emergency: 410-740-7777
Post Office (Main Columbia): 410-381-4373
Voter Information: 410-313-2727
Howard County Public Schools: 410-313-6600
Columbia Villages:
Transportation Resources
- Regional Transit (local transportation):
- Commuter Bus:
- MARC Train Service:
- BWI Airport:
Local News Media
- Baltimore Sun newspaper:
- Washington Post newspaper:
- The Baltimore Banner (nonprofit):
- Columbia Patch news web site:
Translation Link
- Foreign Information and Referral Network